
Anniversary in Portland

by Amy ~ January 25, 2009

Portland is a 3 hour away from Seattle so we took a weekend trip to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary. We had a great weekend exploring the city. We spent hours in Powells bookstore where you can find books on just about everything! It was also great to catch up with our friend Judy!

If you’re ever in Portland, check out The Nines hotel it’s a great new hotel with a swanky interior and great restaurant/bar. We also found a great restaurant that serves local, organic food called the Wildwood Restaurant .

View our our Portland photos.

Community Supported Agriculture

by Amy ~ October 31, 2008

We recently started participating in a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. Each Friday we can log in and view the contents of our box for the upcoming week. Every Thursday, we receive a box (or two!) of organic fruits and vegetables most of which are grown at the CSA farm or local from the Pacific NW. We can substitute up to 5 items in our box each week.

The CSA is a great way for us to eat different fruits and vegetables, try to eat food grown locally, and support local farms. I recommend you check out the CSA in your area or look for Farmers Markets in your area.

View the beautiful fruits and veggies we received in (pears, figs (YUM!), apples, oranges, beets, pluots, red onions, shallots, arugula, lettuce, leek, red pepper, cabbage and chard)

View our our first CSA box.

Talapus & Olallie Lake hikes

by Amy ~ October 18, 2008

We hiked to Lakes Tallapus and Olallie with several of our friends. It’s an easy hike that slowly gains elevation and passes by two lakes.

View our Talapus Lake hike photos.

Turaz Designs! (my necklaces)

by Amy ~ October 13, 2008

As you know, I have been spending a lot of time making necklaces and we finally got around to posting pictures!

View our My necklace photos.

Mt. Walker Hike

by Amy ~ October 12, 2008

We visited my cousins at their house on the Hood Canal this weekend. We did a great hike to Mt. Walker and spent the rest of the evening making dinner and catching up with my cousins.

The hike to the top of Mt. Walker took several hours. On the way up, I stopped to grab something out of my pack and birds flew and landed on the trees next to us. One even jumped on my hand. It turns out these guys are pretty friendly and were looking for some food.

The views on top of Mt. Walker were amazing. It was a clear day and you could see Mt. Baker, Mt. Rainier and downtown Seattle. Today we went mushroom hunting on a nearby trail and found about 3 pounds of chanterelle mushrooms.

View our Mt. Walker photos.